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Vault of Blossomed Ropes
Vault of Blosssomed Ropes came after an exquisite corpse ritual by Nikos Fokas, Stelios Romaliadis and Giorgos Varoutas in 2011.
Later, the group was joined by bass player Stratis Sgourellis and vocalist Anna Linardou.
In 2014 VoBR released their debut album with contribution by Steve Jansen former drummer of the legendary ''Japan''.
Nikos Fokas: synths, modular electronics
Giorgos Varoutas: guitar, electronics
Stelios Romaliadis: flute
Stratis Sgourellis:bass
Anna Linardou: voice
Deniz Angelaki: visuals

Liminal Vanguard
The group Liminal Vanguard was created in early 2015.
Their music can be characterised as liminal composition combined with free improvisation. This can sometimes involve an improvisational scenario, based on structural composition and songwriting.
LV have composed their version of a soundtrack for live performance for the Brazilian film ''Limite'' (1930) by Mario Peixoto, considered one of the most emblematic films in the history of international cinema.
Vasso Dimitriou: arpeggione
Anna Linardou: voice
Giorgos Varoutas: guitar, electronics
Nikos Sidirokastritis: drums

Anna Linardou - Giorgos Varoutas
A duet from Athens, incorporating traditional vocal idioms and extended techniques with sampling and electronics. Bucolic timbres, maqamic tunes, concrete and futuristic ambiances create sonic landscapes of undefinable geography.
The duet has performed in festivals and venues such as Punkt Festival (NO) and ''Megaron Gizi'' Festival Santorini (GR), Domicil (DE), Stadtgarten (DE) a.o.
Anna Linardou: voice
Giorgos Varoutas: electronics, live sampling, ac.instruments

Giorgos_Varoutas- Anna_Linardou


The Depths Above
Ko Ishikawa, Nikos Sidirokastritis, Giorgos Varoutas, Harris Lambrakis, Anna Linardou
''I was lying down across the stern, lulled by the gentle swaying of the vessel, inhaling the smoke of the torch and trying to discern the stars in the depths above.''
Al. Papadiamandis
This excerpt from Alexandros Papadiamantis's novel “The Rose-tinted Shores” sums up the aesthetic experience of the album “The Depths Above”.
Ko Ishikawa, Nikos Sidirokastritis, Giorgos Varoutas, Harris Lambrakis and Anna Linardou interpret the ecstasy of nature, wandering between ancient memory and imagination.
Ancient instruments, such as the Japanese shō and the Middle Eastern ney, a piece of acacia wood and a voice, combined with electroacoustic guitar, electronic sound and live sampling, reflect a poetic contemplation of the human condition between the sea and the depths of the sky.
Ko Isikawa: shō
Nikos Sidirokastritis: wood, floor tom, cymbal
Giorgos Varoutas: ac.guitar, electronics, objects, live sampling
Harris Lambrakis: ney
Anna Linardou: voice
Video by africanastronaut
Sound engineer: Gustav Penka
Harris Lambrakis, Simos Riniotis, Giorgos Varoutas
Skraut was first created in May of 2020 by Giorgos Varoutas and Simos Riniotis. With the addition of Harris Lambrakis along the way, the group refined their sound that is to be performed live in early 2023.
A blend of acoustic and electronic soundscapes, where natural sounds (ney, drums, objects) are redefined through their own composition, creating a new alloy.
Balancing between liminal spaces, a meeting occurs, one that attempts a deconstruction of time and genres, in a congregation of organic sounds and technology.
Harris Lambrakis: ney
Simos Riniotis: drums, objects
Giorgos Varoutas: live sound processing
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